We are happy to offer VetSource as our official online pharmacy.  This service will allow you to have your pet's prescriptions, food, flea and heartworm medications mailed directly to you.


VetSource also offers a remind me dosing which will mail single refills of your pet's medications automatically to you.


Unlike other online pharmacies, VetSource is an authorized veterinary distributor.  Thus, you are assured of receiving the real, properly handled, high quality products at the best prices.


 How does it work:

1.  Set up an account with your information, pet information, and password.

2.  Place an order.

3.  When your order is received, it will be retrieved by our veterinary staff.  This will ensure that the dose and directions are accurate and that your pet is up to date on the required tests and exams.

4.  You will then receive an email notifying you that your purchase was approved or an explanation why it was denied.

5.  You will then received a 2nd email with the shipping date confirmation number and tracking information.   


If you have any problems in ordering, please contact our Practice Manager, Kathy, at 803-818-5121.










